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Election Fraud

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Our mission

Protecting every American citizen's vote
through election integrity.


Generous cash rewards for election fraud leads.

The Threat to American Democracy

Stopping election fraud has been historically difficult. 
Until now. 

Election Justice Foundation


Election fraud, Real or Hoax?


If you think the elections are wrought with fraud, you aren't alone, unless you work for one of the media outlets who push there is no voter fraud message much like they did the Russian dossier, denied Hunter Biden's laptop existed, and Biden was not battling age related acuity issues.  Indeed, if you don't believe elections are 100% legit, you are hate labeled "an election denier" akin to anti-vax or a conspirarcy theorist. 

The fact is that since 2020 there have been over 1,400 election fraud convictions on public record.  There have only been 6 primary elections in that time which averages out to over 200 election fraud crimes each primary.  Given there is less than 100 total days in any election cycle, that is two election crimes every voting day! Bear in mind, those are the ones we know about.  How about the 353 counties in 29 different states that had over 100% registration in the 2020 election?  Intentionally incorrect  information on your voter registration is also a federal election crime.  We didn't hear about what certainly was thousands, if not tens of thousands of fraudulant registrations in 2020 but the media did a full court press to dispell any election fraud claims.  Point is electon fraud is like oxygen, we may not see it but the science tells us it exists.  Reality is the real election deniers are those in the media and those who don't want you to find it. 


Election Justice Foundation intends to end the false narrative that election fraud does not exist by identifying those committing election fraud by raising reward money for whistleblowers and publicizing it so we can get past denial and to a common sense solution to protect the very foundation of our amazing country.  Please join us by donating to EJF which works to end election fraud through education, legislation and prosecution.  


References :


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